Some unwelcome guests arrived at Casa Combo last weekend. A group of motorbiking lawyers who booked to stop over on a 'run' for an extended aperitivo, that is a table full of food and drink.
They were coarse, foul-mouthed, offensive, bigoted, arrogant, ignorant, boorish, objectionable drunks. I liked them enormously of course.
The t-shirt speaks volumes. And I thought us English had a virtual monopoly on uncivilised behaviour.
Is the sequence correct?
Quite Affer, No chance after all that. Polite excuse and an 'I'll be okay in the morning'.
I bet you said "Look, if you don't moderate your behaviour I'll be forced to sue the arses off you. Oh. Actually, forget I just said that. Get stuck in, anything you like, but would you mind leaving my Labrador alone". Is that how it was Ron?
What a vile garment. Such a thing would be unknown in the glorious Thames Valley. Yesterday in Marlow I saw a charming slogan across some unremarkable T-shirted breasts. It said "I Can't; I'm Mormon". That's exactly the sort of sentiment I like to see in these recessionary times.
I like the way the 'artist' has put a tutu on the girl to make it ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that there was none of THAT sort of thing going on.
I presume the party left you with a staggering bill, inclusive of expenses, lunch, accomodation etc.
ChrisP - methinks the artist does overplay the ID (bow in hair and some dangly down bits in the front as well as the skirt) - quite obviously a bit of lawyer cross-dressing going on there.
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