The Italian State is omnipotent. It even announces when people can start mushrooming - a national pastime here. Anyway, today is the day as the heavy rain of about ten days ago was followed by some hot weather, making conditions ideal for
funghi. And not only do they say when you can go but also how much you have to pay for a
permesso, the mushroom picking licence. I think this year it is about €35; and it doesn't finish there. You then have to validate it with a
marca da bollo, which is an official government stamp (only available from tobacconists) at €14.90; so you are meant to wedge up the thick end of €50 to get muddy, catch a cold and run the risk of a wild boar using your rear end as target practice whilst you are bent over not finding mushrooms. I don't know anyone who actually pays it, but maybe the professional
funghioli (mushroom hunters) do in case the Italian Forestry Police (yes, they really do exist, spending most of their time driving round in Land Rovers and 4x4 Pandas doing sod all) nab them.
Licence-less I was out with Lucky this morning in the Combo woods and found these beauties. They are
porcini or
ceps (in French) or, rather pleasingly, penny buns for us lot. I shall slice them finely and fry them in a little olive oil with finely chopped garlic and parsley. Fresh bread and washed down with some decent Gavi di Gavi. Yum yum pig's bum!

PS Set prop courtesy of
Unmitigated England.
PPS I am aware that what little posting there has been of late has been virtually alcohol-free. What with one thing and another I have been distracted recently. I shall do my utmost etc etc
Lovely, though I hope Mrs Combo has nothing to do with them!
ron - those little chaps look very entertaining. Do you think they'd go down ok with by home made bacon. Having looked after a neighbour's chickens while he was away we've been re-introduced to the same-day egg - what a joy. Diplo jnr has designed a coup/run so we can get some little critters of our own. If you could vacuum pack some porcini for me and stick it in the post we'd be fixed up fine.
That explains all the Italians I've seen lately in Epping Forest. I thought they were looking for a lost frisbee. Or 'dogging'.
Best to dispose of the evidence before a search warrent is issued.
What, no risotto?
Peter: I wish there were some Gold Flake inside but sadly...however the econopmy packet of Woodbines is fully loaded; we must fire a couple up when you come over.
Diplo: wonderful with bacon; I brought some back from Blighty last week but thn wolfed the lot down in sandwich form; if only I'd waited...
Vinogirl: maybe risotto next week, if they keep springing up. The weather forecast is good, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Artist's Muse: Mrs Combo will have nothing to do with mushrooms after her last stay in hospital, as you would appear to know. That narrows your identity down a bit, but not enough.
Risotto here at the Country Residence next week. There is a bowl (Pyrex) of two week old chicken stock at the back of the fridge. Festering nicely.
Mmm. My resident Wise Woman tells me that the mushrooming in blighty has been poor so far this season, but we've just had some rain, so maybe soon. Here's hoping.
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