This morning I collected a couple of cases of Smooth Tony's excellent Prosecco. Making my way into the hellhole that is our
cantina (cellar), I realised that the jumble of boxes, empty bottles, bikes, kitchen stuff, old chairs, strings of onions and trays of potatoes would have to be put into some sort of order in order to allow the Prosecco to reach the wine racks. I cleared a path through and had to stop with a heavy heart and a curse on my lips when I saw the awful scene racked up before me. Eighteen bottles of Sauvignon Bianco, twelve of Cab Franc and ten of Raboso (all Smooth Tony's from 2007) that I'd missed, hidden behind the fruits of my irredeemable untidyness and laziness. And these are on top of the all the bottles that I haven't cracked yet. And we are about to bottle the 2008 vintage which arrived last week. Bugger! This is stuff that needs drinking NOW! The Intrepid One is coming over after Easter but we'll struggle to clear about twelve litres each over three days. Hmmm, although thinking about it......
Limbering up on a Gavi right now. Prepare the drinking table.
I'll be in England May 3rd...you're not that far away...give us your address... Vinogirl to your rescue!
Hoarding alcohol (ie more than one bottle) is no longer allowed unless you are one of us. You will carefully wrap the bottles and despatch via UPS immediately, to 10 Downing Street, fao G Brown, or you will face a fine of 10,000 units of a currency to be worked out later as everything is worth squat at the moment. Or you will be disembowelled. Or both.
ps If you include some Prosecco for Sarah's mum, you will be let off the disembowelling.
Ah - a cantina - great picture, i thought it was an new wall built for the pigs out of discarded bottles in some enironmentally driven recycling frenzy.
I have faith in your abilities.
Thud: thank you for your vote of confidence
Vinogirl: we need all the help we can get. Please stay in touch.
Peter: don't be so bitter. You had your chance.
Toby: bring lots of Wet Wipes
J20 Joint Head: Give me a grant to enable me to extend my research programme.
Diplo: Do you think I am mad? I am about as green as a bluebottle
Mummy: help me, I've fallen in with a bad lot, like you said I would
As you may have guessed, I have seen off a big 'un this evening. Sorry.
Yes Ron, but what about the drink?
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