I always know when Signor Alessandro is pitching up with his annual consignment of manure; the noise of his misfiring tractor is usually followed pretty swiftly by the most glorious pong. This steaming load was quickly distributed by hand on the 2009 newly-enlarged vegetable plots, much to Mrs Combo's disgust as the whiff hangs around for quite a while, especially when the sun comes out. Having worked in advertising and pr for quite a while, I find myself quite at home with it.
Italy. An interesting, infuriating place to live as a gin-raddled expat. Some notes and observations.
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
The Boy Dung Good
I always know when Signor Alessandro is pitching up with his annual consignment of manure; the noise of his misfiring tractor is usually followed pretty swiftly by the most glorious pong. This steaming load was quickly distributed by hand on the 2009 newly-enlarged vegetable plots, much to Mrs Combo's disgust as the whiff hangs around for quite a while, especially when the sun comes out. Having worked in advertising and pr for quite a while, I find myself quite at home with it.
an almighty stink,
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Ah! Looks like the summary of one of Gordon Brown's speeches being delivered.....
Cor! Dig it in with your bare hands.
Hang on Ron, I worked with you in advertising and PR. Oh. Yes. I see what you mean. Lovely corrugated trailer, bet you'd like one to tow around behind a Citroen H Van.
Peter! Wrong country. That's France. It's all Fiats and Iveco's in Italy.
Comments like Mr Affer's will no longer be tolerated. This Blog is now under surveillance
Send me the pants off the washing line
I'll have the sheets.
That must smell as pleasant as Vinodog 2 rolling in the neighbourhood horse apples.
What, Ron's underpants?
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