The sun has finally started to shine after weeks of rain, so to celebrate this and the concomitant arrival of the first broad beans, Mrs Combo and I tucked into a favourite antipasto hereabouts and if anyone knows of a more heavenly combination than twice-peeled broad beans and local salami, they can sod off. Sluiced down with the first tasting of Smooth Tony's Pinot Grigio (bottled when Fred was here, dribbling over his Welsh bint) straight out of the 'fridge. Fan-sodding-tastic.
Italy. An interesting, infuriating place to live as a gin-raddled expat. Some notes and observations.
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Summertime snack
The sun has finally started to shine after weeks of rain, so to celebrate this and the concomitant arrival of the first broad beans, Mrs Combo and I tucked into a favourite antipasto hereabouts and if anyone knows of a more heavenly combination than twice-peeled broad beans and local salami, they can sod off. Sluiced down with the first tasting of Smooth Tony's Pinot Grigio (bottled when Fred was here, dribbling over his Welsh bint) straight out of the 'fridge. Fan-sodding-tastic.
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can you pick me up from the station ?
Ooh yes. Let's all go. There's bound to be room. I'll book the coach. That OK Ron, Mrs Combo?
No problem. Take the train to Visone and I'll meet you in the village bar where two of the most delicious 19 year old girls in Western Europe will be on hand to pour you a bright, cold Prosecco. Actually, sod it, I'm off down there right now, whether you lot pitch up or not.
I'm so keen I've put my running shorts on.
Now that I would like to see!
They are of course very long ones in a durable khaki. To go with my plimsolls.
Grey socks?
Mmm. Don't know about that. But definitely a Park Drive on the bottom lip.
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