Auntie Combo lives in Connecticut and is knocking on a bit to say the least. But she doesn't look anything like her age. It's because every evening at six o'clock she fixes herself one of these. A Pink Gin. And it has to be Plymouth Gin. No substitutes. It's probably one of the easiest cocktails to make; just splash some angostura bitters in a glass, swirl them around a while, empty the bitters in the sink and fill with gin (the glass not the sink). Anyway, that's what I did last night. Highly recommended on an empty stomach, with an immediate alcohol whoosh. I was bumping into all sorts of things in the kitchen. Marvellous stuff.
Italy. An interesting, infuriating place to live as a gin-raddled expat. Some notes and observations.
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Plymouth, Pink and Proud
Auntie Combo lives in Connecticut and is knocking on a bit to say the least. But she doesn't look anything like her age. It's because every evening at six o'clock she fixes herself one of these. A Pink Gin. And it has to be Plymouth Gin. No substitutes. It's probably one of the easiest cocktails to make; just splash some angostura bitters in a glass, swirl them around a while, empty the bitters in the sink and fill with gin (the glass not the sink). Anyway, that's what I did last night. Highly recommended on an empty stomach, with an immediate alcohol whoosh. I was bumping into all sorts of things in the kitchen. Marvellous stuff.
Plymouth Gin
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Oh yes ! so important, the Plymouth. Fantastic drink and really needs a complimentary smoke, my namesake as recomended by Kerim would be perfect, glass and ash tray on the cast iron, glass topped table on the terrace of the Kristal Palas overlooking the busy Bosphorous.
I just love that Angostura bottle. The fact that the label is too big for it. It must have been a cock-up at the Bitters Factory, but before it was changed someone said "Leave it, it can be our USP", or whatever admen said in 1395.
I imagine it would have been: "Prithee my Lord, we muft fell, fell, fell. ABC! Alwayf be clofing"
Did all people in the fourteenth century talk like Jonathan Ross?
Yef, obvioufly.
Oh, memories of Pink Gin! When I was a 'Hostie' with Treffield, flying on Viscounts from Gatwick in the 60's, ALL the Fly-boys drank 'Pinkers', all the time. Well, they would have, wouldn't they! If they came round to see me, Grandad was always a bit reticent to share a stiff one with them, although they always brought him his favourite Hoya de Monterreys. Still, he knew I was safe with them!
Following on from Brian Mathews last saturday, Hendrx is a good Gin.
Any road up, it's Ron's birthday on monday. If he had anything to retire from he'd be coming up to it. surley?
The silly old sod.
I knew a Ron Combi once, are you any relation?
Ron. Are you, by any chance, related to Chicken or Whopper Combo? These close relatives of yours are for sale in my local cinema. Don't spend those royalties all at once.
Lord Carrot. We don't speak to the Combis.
Justin. Combo International Enterprises' tentacles embrace the world of commerce.
My dad used to wear combo's it was a hidious sight. Have you got any Ron?
Good call. Plymouth Gin in all its varieties is served at my local, The Jerusalem Tavern in London. That's because the owner of the pub (St Peter's Brewery founder) is also on the board of Plymouth.
Pink Gins were popular amongst the Brideshead set when I was at uni. Even better.
I recently met a great bloke (ex-army) who roped himself into advising on military matters for the new Brideshead Revisited film. But this may be deemed a) pretentious of me and b) utterly irrelevant to this particular blog. But it is 12.07am and I have just had a good early Sunday tooth mug of Baillie Nicoll Jarvie.
I don't believe in remakes.
Oh Cindy I do agree. The reason there's so many awful re-makes is because Hollywood is totally bereft of original ideas, and continually need to fall back on the classics. It isn't just nostalgia that says that the original Brideshead won't be surpassed for a long time, and it's as much to do with the spirit of the age it was made in. Phew, off to see if there's any Shredded Wheat left.
Peter, i knew you'd agree. For us, Ron's blog is the equivalant of '84 Charring Cross Road' (not sure if 2 r's are correct?' However, www.My grappa hell would never have caught the attention of the public in quite the same way. Well, not in that way.
Cindy, Peter; that's where you're wrong. As Ron's literary agent, I am currently putting together a deal with Universal: 'My Grappa Hell: I Set Up A Blog About Boozing And This Is What I Get' (yes, yes, cumbersome, but the Studio's got people to work on that). Based entirely on the exchange of posts between you two, it tells the story of two star-crossed lovers who get together over an expatriate's diseased liver, only to find true happiness and lasting joy in a shared appreciation of outstanding English architecture and a nicely restored Vauxhall Wyvern.
Naturally I don't want to give too much away but they're hot for it. We're talking one J Depp in the Ashley role. And you Cindy? Well, Nicole is making ALL the right noises.
Don't want to be picky Justin, but can you get a young looking Sophia? as you can tell i bear a striking resemblence. If so i'm in. From peter's photo he has a Wingard look don't you think? Speaking of which did you ever hear Wingard's song (i use the term loosely)called, "Rape" very strange. But `Wingard will do for me
Hey! Cindy! You're breakin' my BALLS here. Ok, ok; I'll try for Monica Belucci. Will she do? My God! You people.... Yes, Wingarde would be perfect but the guy's as good as DEAD. For this to fly we gotta pull in the teens, the pre-teens, the post-teens, the post-men, the post-office. You hear me?
Now, you two carry on forging the script in Real Life and leave me to do what I do. It's my job.
Wingarde is dead, and there is only one 'r' in 'Charing'. Charing, in Kent, is where H.E.Bates' memorial is. I'm reading through my collection again and you won't get any re-makes like him. I think Cindy should be played by Rachel Stirling and me by Gerard Depardieu.
I can't work with an tempremental atistic type like Peter. Is he homosexual? Maybe this would explain the string of 'marriages' No Justin, you'l have to find someone else for your casting couch as i know what you are really after.
Ron Combo is 61 years old today, would you Adam and Eve it?
Happy Birthday Ron!
Cindy: The reason my 'marriages' have lasted 17,9 and 11 years is not that I have 'leanings' but that it takes that time for my partners to realise they really don't have to keep enlarging the house in order to contain my massive ego.
Many Happy Returns Ron. Will pour a large Plymouth, with extra thrown in on your behalf.
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