The thing about going away with Giulio the Singer is that he can't even start without toasting the trip. So, the luggage was loaded, the flight from Milan beckoned and he put the car key back in his pocket and announced the need for a glass of prosecco in the bar directly below his flat. The two young, er, lovelies work there. One prosecco led to another of course and we arrived at Malpensa with minutes to spare. The next day in Bristol we had the Mother of all pub crawls that started with Butcombe Bitter at 11.30 in the morning and finished with a wonderful pint of Fuller's ESB at 4.30 before taking the train to Cardiff to start again. Full marks to Bruno and Giulio who, as wine drinkers, acquitted themselves remarkably well in terms of consumption of ale.
Pictured is a Bristol pub where I used to drink at lunchtimes in my former life, The King's Head in Victoria Street. The old boy looks like he is about to nod off; happens a lot to people when I've had a few. Lovely pub, virtually the only one we visited that was unchanged. Bruno discovered he had a liking here for rough cider. Good boy.
Here we go. Between Tobe and Ron we're going to hear about this for weeks.
Good heavens Mr Combo! Excuse me butting in on your blog, but one of my former boy-friends lived next door to that Pub - I spent many a happy hour drinking there, and it looks so unchanged!
Do you perchance remember Crazy John, who lived in the old Church gardens behind the pub?
There's many a tale to tell Peter, my old Ducky. I do love the pink tee shirt the 'lovely' in the Italian bar is wearing. Just look at that print. Erotic beyond belief. I'm set for my third early night in a row, NO ALCOHOL... well apart from a small beer or two, and shorts, obviously. Still not caught up.
Crazy John used to be my accountant. Explains a lot.
I think Crazy John owes me a tenner.
How d'ya get on with Morty,Ron? There's a salutary tale if ever there was one. Don't know what you did to Mr. Incidentaly he was catatonic on his return and had put on at least a stone. Nevertheless he still managed a pint on monday lunchtime. YOU are leading him back into bad habits.
Peter, i've missed you. Where's my bloody Valentine?
Still i haver a birthdAY ON FRIDAY.
Oh Cindy! I gave all my cyberspace girls a blog Valentine composed of a rusty Castrol Oil jug stuffed with yellow tulips. But of course it was you I was really thinking of.
Nice picture Ron. Who's the bloke?
I've leant against that bar a few times myself, Ron. Used to be run by a bar-lady of rather elegant appearance...and ample proportions! Wasn't there a brewery near there, with a special 'training' bar that opened lunchtimes?
Sorry. Not made myself clear. I was referring to your new profile picture of you and some chap dressed as Elvis.
Could the Elvis impersonator be Crazy John?
oh Peter, you toy with me.
No, Toby it's not Elvis it's David Cassdy circa 1971 and if it isn't the picture (if it is Ron) dates at least to then.
Just so everyone knows, it's Cindy's bloody birthday tomorrow which she will be milking outrageously for obvious calendar reasons. Don't expect any sense out of her after 11.00am, she'll be trolleyed on Cherry B.
I should think Cindy will be on quadruple Cherry B's if tomorrow really is her birthday. If it is she only has one every four years.
And she can ask me to marry her, if Mr.Cindy will let her.
Thanks Peter. You helped me remember that one of my weddings was on 29th Feb. The big advantage is that, since I was later divorced, I only get bad memories every four years.....
yes indeed it is my birthday tomorrow. Mr. Cindy is taking me out for a meal, or he should be. However, true to form he hasn't booked a restaurant yet nor asked his 82 year old mothr to babysit yet. So we'll see. it could be a curry down the road. Peter, i am open to offers.
Does anyone else have to go through the word verification palaver before posting or is it just me?
Sorry, but it's word verification for everyone after we were attacked and nearly raped by some trojan/worm monster (hence comment deleted post above). You know it's for the best.
Cindy, I'll take you to a teashop I discovered in Ely today. How does a pot of Rooibosh Vanilla take your fancy?
That clock on the wall in your local - I need that to complete the re-decoration of my '70s nightmare torture chamber which I use for interviewing likely clients.
Happy Birthday Cindy, c/o Ron's Grappatastic Notice Board.
Incidentally, Cindy, Brian Matthews just played Hendrix' 'Gipsy Eyes' on Radio 2, at half past eight on a Saturday morning. Where's my lighter fuel?
Thanks Justin. Yes, i was singing along to our Jimmy. What are you doing up so early?? which reminds me i need a rug re think as me barnet's coming on a bit Hendrix today.
As regards this word verification malarky, surely anybody can copy the word and geg in. Where is the security in that??
That's what I thought Cindy, but didn't like to say anything. I had a very rude comment left on my blog a few days ago, and as I hadn't a clue how to get rid of it I had to delete the whole bloody blog and start again. Anyway, there's a Culpin's Pork Pie calling to me from the pantry: "Eat me Peter. In fact, eat all of me in one go."
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