The tempting little minx on the right is of course Giulio the Singer and the rather severe looking dominatrix on the left is Enrico the Guitarist. The occasion was an Eve of Christmas dinner in a local village hall with five courses and as much wine as you could drink, all for €15. We were roundly entertained by them afterwards, musically speaking of course.
The second shot shows Giulio in a more reflective mood at the end of the evening.
Giulio and Car Dealer Bruno will be performing live in Cardiff on the weekend of the Wales vs Italy international in February.
Clearly a season in Panto beckons; 'Dame' in Cinderella, Arcadia Skegness 08/9 I reckon.
I was particularly taken with the lipstick imprint on the back of the bald head. I also notice there's no "ladies" in the pictures so I assume this was a boy's night. Also memory jog from the Coke advert - Leigh Fermor's Traveller's Tree is a must for many reasons but has a stunning description of a massive Coke hoarding visible from your airline seat on landing at Martinique - " ...plucking, in flesh-colours and pastel shades, at the four deep chords of hygiene, patriotism, snobbery and sex."
Well spotted Diplo. Surprising, given that Giulio's preference is for a big wet one on the lips.
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