A light 4 bottle supper at friends last night before choir practice. There was a big shout for grappa to accompany the coffee and along with three different grappas, Luciano pulled this museum piece out of his spirits cabinet. Bloody hell, I spluttered, how old is that? Well, he said, I think that's probably from the 1970s. I poured myself a decent belt and the fragrance was astonishing, all delicate violets and roses. It tasted wonderful. I mean, can gin mature? Blowed if I know. I tried to ask Diageo, the owners of Tanqueray, but you get a message from their Customer Center (sic) in Pigsknuckle, Arkansas saying have a nice day you Limey drunk.
Italy. An interesting, infuriating place to live as a gin-raddled expat. Some notes and observations.
Monday, 3 December 2007
Gin Heaven
A light 4 bottle supper at friends last night before choir practice. There was a big shout for grappa to accompany the coffee and along with three different grappas, Luciano pulled this museum piece out of his spirits cabinet. Bloody hell, I spluttered, how old is that? Well, he said, I think that's probably from the 1970s. I poured myself a decent belt and the fragrance was astonishing, all delicate violets and roses. It tasted wonderful. I mean, can gin mature? Blowed if I know. I tried to ask Diageo, the owners of Tanqueray, but you get a message from their Customer Center (sic) in Pigsknuckle, Arkansas saying have a nice day you Limey drunk.
loon pants,
Player's No. 6
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I like gin, but I like Jenlain French 'Amber' beer better. Just half way through a 75 cl (No pissing about with .5 litre with M. Jenlain) and have to say feeling very good for it. Maybe you've not sampled Jenlain Ron, but it's on a par with Pedi. Dare I say it, perhaps better! Imagine a cross between Pedi and Carlsberg Special Brew. It comes with a cork, cork, held in like a Champagne cork... cork.
whoops - i think i can sse where this going - by the way X reference Special Brew at Sweat, Steam etc (Questi giorno...)
I've just discovered, and I hope there is some agreement here, that gin actually tastes rather good without tonic.Decent gin, obviously. Has anyone got stuck into Hendricks at all?
Well, yes; but didn't he die in his own sick? For myself, as your London correspondent, I can vouch for the effectiveness of a large Bombay Sapphire, a tiny can of Tesco's Indian Tonic Water (they'd sold out of Schweppes) with a squeezed chunk of a fresh lime from the shop downstairs. Neat gin's all well and good, m'lord Ashley, but after a bracing swim the bubbles in the Tonic get it working faster. Not that I drink it every night of course. One thing: we hear very little of the lovely Mrs Combo when Ron deigns to blog. I do hope she's well.
If you like your Gin straight up, Navy fashion, or even with a rub of Bitters then it really needs to be Plymouth, fantastic flavour. If you really must use Indian Tonic Water then absolutely no more than 50/50.
I think I need a stiff gin after reading Savage the Explorer's comment that the french stuff he was swilling was better then Peddy. And if I have one it will be Plymouth, of course. Spot on Diplomat!
Plymouth Gin is made from water that has percolated down from Dartmoor.
Talking of Hendrix - recommend next week's Sorry I Haven't a Clue featuring Jack Dee singing Purple Haze to the tune of ... Brahms Lullaby.
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