At three o'clock yesterday afternoon I gave a lift to a prostitute with whom I have a nodding acquaintance. The sour tang of alcohol on her breath as she jumped into the car brought to mind what she may well have been necking* at lunchtime. Italy's answer to Buckie/Thunderbird/Diamond White is Tavernello, available in red or white versions costing about €1.20 per 1 litre container. It's the wine of choice for those people bumping along the bottom. I fill up on it every Friday evening when I eat at my mother-in-law's. The white is pretty foul but the red is OK once you get past the first glass. Of course the joy of the Tetrapak container is that one's dining companions/close family relatives can't see how fast it's going down.
*Cue vulgar observations. Over to you chaps.
You are, of course, at risk of maligning the poor girl - I suspect you dedected on her breath nothing more sinister than a good dose of mouthwash.
At least Ron has now given me the answer I've been looking for as to what to call my new blog. So, Kerbcrawler it is.
We like Kerbcrawler.
To think it's come to this..
I'd like to know more about you Cindy.I don't suppose you live anywhere near Leicestershire?
Sadly not Peter, thanks for the inquiry though. I'm sure we'll meet at Ron's one day, provided he's not going through his attempts at Sobriety.
"SADLY" ?!?!!!! You don't know how lucky you are. Intraweb dating must be full of problems - mind you that little romance (sic) was pretty short lived ...
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