Monday, 8 August 2011

The Joy of Travel

Sensible, relaxed Italy where one can still have a pleasing glass of Merlot at a motorway service station. Or a beer. Or a Grappa.
Maybe that's why Italy has some really sensational, extravagant multi-vehicle accidents on its autostrade.


Affer said...

Interesting. If alcohol is involved in (say) 35% of car accidents, that's 65% where sober drivers are involved. Ergo, it's safer to drive when pissed.....and we should ban TT drivers!

Fred Fibonacci said...

Couldn't agree more Affer; when it comes to Mr Booze we're at far greater risk from drivers with nasty head colds and too much Lemsip coursing through their veins.

Peter Ashley said...

Ah, those autostrade pile-ups. I once sped off down the Milanese equivalent of the M25, and noticed on the opposite side of the carriageway a mile long set of erratic skidmarks that ended in a huge area of burnt tarmac. Of course all those black Fiats and Alfas just bounced over it at the usual 90mph.

Vinogirl said...

Or all three?

Thud said...

Yes, but one would shuffle off in a warm alchoholic fuzz.