Rummaging around in the larder for some nibbles the other day, I found tucked away at the back the above, a present from Lord Unmitigated, part of a washed-up expat food parcel he kindly sent over yonks ago. The Marmite, PG Tips, decent Cheddar and bottles of ale went the way of all good things almost immediately of course but somehow this slipped through the net. Always thought the
best before dates on food labels are a con. This tasted absolutely delicious on hot brown toast. Thank you old chum. All washed down with a big mug of PG Tips, of course!
Best eaten through a large handlebar moustache, which is then sucked clean over the following six or seven days.
I like your Ladybird Books cricket mug!
do you like italy ?
Affer: very apt, I'm still sucking, har har.
VG: isn't it nice? Bought in Milan, oddly enough.
Diplo: loathe the place. Too many Brits.
This brought back the memories, I can tell you, it being years since this Gentleman has had any Relish. Must visit an old-fashioned grocer soon. With my jacket on.
Interesting about the dates on food. In the Wilko household a catchphrase has evolved, 'It's a preserve,' uttered to anyone who has doubts about the edibility of any product that has been made to be kept for a long period but appears from the label to be long out of date. Not just jams and jellies, but chutneys, pickles, and other potted stuff that smells as it should.
If it isn't growing hair, it's edible.
You ate it? I thought that like camp coffee it just lurked in the back of cupboards for donkeys years.
After his Waterstones epiphany, one imagines that Ron has quite a lot of camp coffee.......
Ron, click on this link and there's a recipe for Scotch Woodcock, which requires a small amount of Gentleman's Relish.
Dear Ronaldo,
Here’s a straight question for you – how do you like your sausage in the morning? More to the point, do you eat sausages at all?
I’m planning to run a series of “Top Bloggers Guest Sausage Reviews” at RMS, would you be interested in taking up the frying pan and the laptop? No limitations or guidelines, or any of that stuff, you would have free rein to write and picture whatever you wish.
*This is a cut and paste question to save me re-typing many times. Sorry for the lack of originality.
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