One of Mrs Combo's cousins, like many thrusting young Italians, works on a cruise ship. He dropped on with a Peruvian waitress so decided to make it legal at a remote 1960s church hereabouts. With typical Italian disregard for the finer points of spirituality the church builders couldn't be bothered to put in a ring of bells so they made do with a nice pair of loudspeakers that broadcast on a loop tape a supremely tinny recording of two clanking bells: was the grip quality of the lavatory paper used for the bridal hearse.
That KFC Combo looks good.....
Ron - did you disgrace yourself, do tell. I've still got a scar across the back of my hand where a very firey ( but quite tantalising) Italian girl whacked me with a knife while I was trying to find a way into her voluminous skirts at a very posh wedding breakfast. These challenges are such fun and if all goes according to plan you miss the big punch up because you're asleep under the table. Please tell us what really happened.
March Moon Lambrusco?
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