My January misery was anticipated and compounded perfectly by this bottle of 1967 Chambertin which I had been keeping for a special occasion and New Year's Eve 2009 seemed as good a time as any. It was 100% sodding oxidised.
A faint light is glimmering however, as The Intrepid One is pitching up next Saturday on his way back from The Dark Continent so a few bottles will be on the table and January can go whistle.
Hard luck! A fair year, the '67 - not as good as the '66 or '69, my Sotheby's suggests that 30 years is about the limit for a Burgundy.
Can you get Nicolas or Hirondelle and put it into the Chambertin bottle? Sheikh Savage will be so thirsty, he won't know......
Good idea Affer. I'll load up on a load of cheap kit from Lidl for him, he's never been that fussy.
It was a shame about the Burgundy. I spoke to someone who knows his onions, as it were, and he said there was a 50/50 chance it might be drinkable. Hey ho.
That must have been disappointing Ron, hope you had a little something in a wonderful Italian wine that you could actually drink!
Great pic of bottle, and of you photographing it.
Oh Ron what a ghastly disappointment. If it's any help my booze trade brother in law found a '79 Dom Perignon "Presentation" bottle gathering dust, and opened it with much warning about not expecting much, maybe even a complete failure etc - it turned out to be quite delicious , turning amber but still plenty of fizz and a very different drink - what a success. I was also rather taken with musty smells that could be gathered from the felt line presentation box which had to be opened delicately with an axe. MORE AGE !
You are so right Ron. I'll drink anything! A month without so much as a drop. The only thin shred of joy coming in the form of 0.3% Becks. A rough calculation confirmed we would have to drink 300 pints each. Bouchard eh. Good outfit. Passed their Beaune mansion on the way south a month (lifetime) ago.
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