I went down to the health centre this morning to collect the results. I queued for about half an hour behind a goodly number of extremely badly dressed and garrulous East Europeans, who may well have been from Macedonia. Anyway things started looking good because I by the time my turn came I still had my wallet and mobile 'phone. So I presented my bit of paper to the clerk sitting behind the bullet proof screen. He waddled off in his public sector way to the blood test results box, leafed through for about ten minutes and came back with a lot of tooth sucking and "No chance, Monday see, he does a different round Monday should be here tomorrow but you never know all this snow never seen nothing like it better make it Wednesday eh just to be on the safe side. Next."
Well, this is Italy after all.
AK47, Smith & Wesson, Winchester Pump, Colt 45, Uzzi, 24 Pounder towed by a Morris Armoured Car (that's enough weaponry, Ed.)
Talk about suspense!
Been logging on hourly. Do you have his direct line? I could call him on behalf of all of us. Spin him some line about being a long lost cousin, blah blah blah...
I rushed home from work with bated breath...I can wait until Wednesday.
No Ron, didn't make it to the symposium this year, Thud turned up on my front door step and started drinking wine...what can I say?
Oh no! This is too much. I'm off for a drink...
Looks like a Webley Service Revolver - very noisy and should pep 'em up a bit.
Come on Ron, nothing an Agincourt Mk. 1 Crossbow can't sort out.
Yeah Ron. The World waits with you. Or should I dig the photo out?
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