Death is a big deal in Italy. They like a good death. Given that the average life expectancy around here seems to be about 95 for the men and 116 for the women I suppose that when the buggers do eventually push off it merits attention. This is the page from this week's local newspaper (circulation 390) with this week's dear departed all featured, along with those who left our midst three months ago or last year or fifty years ago, you get the drift. All those patient Italian faces looking out at their friends or enemies who may well be crying or gloating. I have tried to find out where these posed pictures come from, I mean does a dutiful son say to his mother "Well Mamma, you were 107 last week, do you think it might perhaps be an idea to have a snap in case you pop off in the next ten years?"
Talking of popping off, I had the blood test this morning. Results on Monday.
And no, I haven't had a drink this evening. Although tomorrow I'll probably need one when I watch England getting tonked by Italy at Twickers.
Couple of Goode (ex) Leicester players have returned (did you see the way I made that a journalistic pun?)....I think it will be very even ie, England will get 30, or 40, or 60....
I've a stunning portrait of you for when the day arrives.
It must be very tempting to make up something for those Illustrated Obits pages. A portrait of Mickey Mouse perhaps, with 'Topolino' underneath.
Good luck Ron with the results.
Hey, did your pals make it to the Symposium in Sacramento last week?
News please Ron!
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