Here is Claudio on his tractor. Claudio is a pinko and, surprisingly, a nice cheerful chap. As we all know virtually all those of the leftish persuasion are bereft of any manners or sense of humour whatsoever. He works at a local agriturismo. However, Claudio old chap, that's some carbon footprint you're knocking out. For a hippie.
He may be a leftie pinko, but you ought to be very grateful to him for rumbling along every night to bulldoze your drink-sodden carcass from the steps of your local bar into that trailer, and thence chez Combo.
He served up some good tucker as well, I seem to remember. Actually, that smoke does not look too offensive, more like steam. Ooooh a steam driven bulldozer. Now that would be something.
Well fit. Good thighs. Is he attached?
I always find if a man is going to leave an impression Ron, carbon or otherwise. It's always an advantage to have a large steaming funnel like your man there.
That's my girl Jaqui! Good to have you back with your enlightened view of manhood!
Oh dear me, Ron. Now I know it's not my blog but really, some decorum would not go amiss. I mean, if these girls just came once a week then it wouldn't be so bad - we might then just say "see you next Tuesday" or something.
Oh sit down sister before you fall apart. That said, there's nothing enlightened or unenlightened about my last post, i'm afraid them's the facts old boy.
Oh God here we go.
Quite right Peter. Let's get back to fantisising about steam driven bulldozers. There is a manificent steam digger at he Leicester Sewage Pumping Works. They fire it up occasionally. Ruston Backyrus.
In the sixties I went on a fact-finding mission to the Leicester Sewage works you speak of Toby. In a long dark shed amongst the laurels a team of men in shiny black waterproofs flicked condoms and other detritus over their shoulders (with suitably long sticks) from a revolving spiked cage that dipped down into the untreated sewage,over to a mercifully fast-flowing gutter. A sight that will always be with me.
God ! Peter! I've just had my breakfast. Barfffffffff
Stripe me Peter! I'd rather have Les Girls than that....good job your name's not Henry!
I wish I had a bulldozer.
I will buy you one Fred. Would you like a Blaw-Knox?
Never on a first date Peter.
that tractor is hippy friendly as it has well paid back its carbon debt...for all that matters! I'm on the hunt over here for a Minneapolis Moline to restore...a great piece of kit.
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