Dear readers, may I introduce you to the Italian Minister for Equal Opportunities? Being only 33 she has obviously made the most of the equal opportunities afforded her. Her name is Mara Carafagna and she was once a 'showgirl', this being the euphemism Italians use to describe a piece of totty on the telly. He's no mug, Berlusconi, is he?

And this is the over-the-hill, washed-up, well past-it Minister for Education Mariastella Gelmini who at the ripe old age of 41 staggered into Berlusconi's government. As a strict matter of policy he will not have dogs in his Cabinet. Are there any belters in Brown's farcical team? Are there enough pints in the world before you'd give Hazel Blears one?
You have sunshine, you have free food whenever you buy a glass of wine and a political class that's stepped off the pages of Vogue.
Please, please, can we get back to pictures of bulldozers?
Why does Fred's comment make me think of Margaret Beckett?
This is the first time I've gone "Oh my God" at Ron's blog. Why do we have to put up with ginger town mouse Blears, caravanning buck-teethed Beckett and that little pin-striped man with a deep voice Ruth Kelly and her Opus Dei mates?
Blimey Ron, makes you think - have we got anything in any political party over here to match these? Nearly forgot, the Tories have their secret weapons...both attached to Anne Widdicombe.
In the Seimas, there is Leokadija Pocikovska. You would like her.
Pretty sound politically Alice, but a no-brainer when it comes to the boat I'm afraid.
I know nothing of Lithuanian politicians but, being of an older generation, confess to having found Virginia Bottomley decidedly fragrant. But you never saw her in the same room as Annie Lennox. Odd that.
Leokadija Pocikovska's a bit strict-looking. Ok for the public schoolboy types though. Virginia Bottomley - how brave of you AFA! sadly I do know what you mean...Dare I mention Edwina Curry between these ten zillion walls? especially when news of her prime ministerial dalliances came out she went up stratospherically in my estimation.
I was once walking through Smith Square on my way to St. John's when I chanced upon Virginia Bottomley who was (bizarrely) washing her car, a Rover as I recall. She gave me a winning smile. Fragrant indeed. I wouldn't be surprised if Dr. Mal had had a crack at Edwina as it was he that broke the egg story.
....and then, Ron, there was Cheryl Gillan....was there more than a spark between you and she?
I suppose the nearest we've got is Caroline Flint, with that tell-tale gap in a front teeth that means she's a go-er.
...or she's badly in need of some cosmetic dentistry, Peter. The gap business...didn't ever satisfactorily prove that rumour. All a bit Jilly Cooper for me.
And another thing; has anyone ever seen Judy Finnegan and Ken Dodd in the same room at the same time?
Hello Ron. I am sure that if I had seen you watching me washing my Volvo, I would have smiled at you.
Oh Camilla, you are a one!
By the way, what about the Oven Chip's running mate? Pretty fit I'd say. And she lives in Alaska, with those long, cold nights.......
Say what you like but I put up the usual post about pissing it up or about the joy of the Italian dining table and everyone gives it a big yawn. Two belters and you're at it like foaming dogs.
Actually, the more I think about Virginia Bottomley, the more I wish I'd offered to give her a hand with her chammy (?) leather.
Chamois, Ron. Chamois. Do keep up.
I've proved the thing about gap teeth Jon.
You are right, Ron. Far too many slavering old men now. Go back to food and drink - at least we girls could then have a good bitch fight, labai dekoju.
Unless you have pictures of Fred Fibonacci on his motorbike. He's hot.
Is the beautiful Miss Carbinari pregnant? Judging from the curve of her corset she coud be. Just goes to show there's still lead in the old man's pencil. How are your lots 4b's?
If you do a Google search for Mara Carafgna, this Blog is the fifth entry on the 'findings' list....that means Ron, that YOU are nearly as famous as the said Minister. Which is nice.
It's true Ron! Well, it is once you've ignored af-a's spelling of her name and done a ComboSpellcheck.
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