One of my favourite local-ish wines is Bonarda, from the Oltrepo Pavese district, in the western part of Lombardy, not that far from Comboland. Bonarda is perfect red wine for glugging in quantity, with about 12ยบ of alcohol, nicely acidic and just so slightly fizzy. It'll never win any prizes of course as it's for people with peasant tastes (me) but it's great fun. Doing some idle browsing in a supermarket the other day I chanced upon this Sangue di Giuda (Judas's Blood!) from the same district so I thought, whoopee, I'll have some of that bleeder. Error. It's sweet and foul. Live and learn. Excuse rubbish photo, I was so disappointed with Judas's wine I necked a bottle of decent Barbera as recompense.
I hate to be disappointed by a bottle of wine. Recently had a Chenin blanc that I was expecting to be dry...but no.
There's something very Don Camillo-ish about a bottle of Judas's Blood being on the nasty side of the fence!
disappointment of this kind and in an area of one's life that brings home the bacon (so to speak) can be particularly cruel. Ron I think you did very well to even mention it. "A problem shared..." 'n all that bollox. Disappointment is generally measurable in direct proportion to the expectation preceding - keep your expectations in check and you'll be fine.
Yes Diplo. A bit like queues in shops. If you join one knowing you've made the wrong choice, it's always a bonus if it moves quicker than the other one. But, then, I never go in shops anyway - but you see my point.
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