The wet spring and the hot summer coupled with copious amounts of dung look like making the Combo vegetable business even more lucrative this year. The
zucchini flowers are outrageously large and exotic .......

......and the tomatoes are shaping up to beat all records.

Gadjo, read this and weep! For you the tomato war is over!
Vinogirls toms are looking good and our wirralian efforts are bearing may have a war on more than one front now!
Do you eat the zucchini flowers Ron?
Thud: I appreciate your Liverpudlian bravura but you are facing a tomato blitzkrieg the like of which the Wirral or Calfornia has never witnessed. Or will ever want to see again.
Yes WH, Mrs Combo fries them, tempura style. Light 'n' lovely. She also does them with a salt cod stuffing which sounds dodgy but is actually jolly good.
I am suitably embarrassed, although my toms are shaping up, my courgettes are retarded! Have harvested only two thus far...but they were delicious stir-fried however.
Those blossoms look fab...stuff them with cheese and get them a-fryin'!!!
PS: Ron, have we acquired a new camera perchance?
Nice gherkins.
Yes come on Ron. What camera did you get? A Godolphin? A Reid & Sigrist? A Vanguard Reporter (actually I made that one up).
I got old-fashioned looks the last time I complimented Ron on his gherkins Affer.
WH: you know my gherkins better than most
VG + Peter: new camera news will be breaking in the next ten days - watch this space! I am sure you will both be disappointed by my pedestrian selection
Ron...big talk, but as I write my little scouse workies are tending to my little toms in readiness to unleash a counter offensive that will put shock and awe to shame.
All my veg efforts are disasterous. Nothing there at all. It was all so late and now the bloody snails have had a field day. Tried to be bird friendly with crushed egg shells to deter them, but in vain. From now on it's slug pellets all the way. Things are fairing better at The Country Residence, however. A midnight Frog Patrol keeps the slugs at bay, but still no beans, or Courgettes.
Hedgehogs; for the snails I mean. Get yourself a hedgehog. When you do, don't give it cow's milk; makes them poorly. Goat's milk's the thing.
"get yourself a hedgehog" indeed
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