The Intrepid One was over with the twinkle-toed Jo. It was quite a demanding weekend.
There was a lot of this.

And quite a lot of this.

And even some of this.

However the climax of the weekend was undoubtedly a first-ever visit to a genuine Italian dance hall, a raid led of course by the evergreen Giulio the Singer and The Tigerwoman.
It was a remarkable experience that is difficult to encapsulate with mere words. It was as if we had all stepped back into an Italian equivalent of Butlin's from the mid-fifties.

Jo wowed the regulars and collected quite a few admirers. She only declined one invitation to dance from a local ("he smelled of pee"). Fortunately TIO had managed not to soil himself and so was allowed to give her a bit of a whirl too.
All photographs © TIO. Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers!
Looks like they're dancing between the ends of hospital beds.
Hmmm. He can't quite break the habit of dancing with the young 'uns, can he? He caused me some pain in that area recently.....(photos to follow!).
I certainly needed a hospital bed after that weekend. Found a new hole on my belt!
smelling of pee comes to us all...or at least so I've heard!
Smashing frock Jo! Are they cats decorating the hem?
Poodles dahling!
I was sure they were cats...knowing how much himself likes them.......
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