Italy. An interesting, infuriating place to live as a gin-raddled expat. Some notes and observations.
Sunday, 27 September 2009
One for Vinogirl
The rose-tinted image of grape picking is not even remotely near the sheer back breaking horror of it all. For a start, the lovely bunches of grapes are not at a good height, but low down so you have to bend down. All the time. And then, most of them aren't just hanging there neat and tidy, waiting for the, snick, precise snip of your secateurs. They may be squashed between vine branches or trellis uprights, many will have sent out hardy tendrils that clamp to other branches, lots are hidden behind foliage, there is the ever-present danger of the person working the other side of the row taking off one of your fingers, then there are the wasps and hornets that arrive in droves once the sun is up. Oh no, it's a tough life in the vendemmia season. And then there's your back, which when you are the wrong side of, er, old really doesn't want to carry on after about four hours. I had the misfortune to be working the rows with a 78 year old local woman, Adrianna, who doesn't understand the meaning of "please, I beg you, for the love of God, slow down". Started at 8.00am, finished at 6.00 pm, half an hour for lunch. Never again.
Not much grape selection here Vinogirl. Everything goes in, mildewed, rotting or not and then it's off to the local co-operative. We picked all barbera on Friday.
At least Piero's happy, the old dog.
aches and pains,
bad back,
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Ron...I'm due at vinogirls next Sunday to help with the harvest,she told me I was on for a steak meal and I was in like a shot alway s ready to help my little sister... but I may need more.
Thud: I reckon you'll need a couple of lines of Bolivian Marching Powder, if my experience is anything to go by.
Ahh Ron...sometimes it is just better to buy the damn stuff! Wine that is, not that Bolivian junk!
Never mind about all that, what's that say on her T-shirt?
Words to the effect that we should all play sport together. Sorry it's not more, y'know, provocative. I went on a long organised walk yesterday and there was an attractive girl with a mauve t-shirt on the back of which was "Can I fire your missile?", which is much more like it.
Ron...I'm that rare creature...a drug free scouser.
Thud: I knew there had to be at least one, somewhere.
Great pair of hands on the old chap, or is that you?
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