Owing to the unprecedented levels of interest being expressed in the restorative powers of milk thistle, I am offering you this link which should be of use. Some of you, (no names no pack drill, but Fred and Lord Ashley of Slawston would appear to be to the fore) are obviously already in the dodgy world of alcohol-based long-term memory loss as I have posted on the topic of milk thistle before*, in October last year.
*Or did I? D'you know I'm not so sure now. Oh dear.
Truly great pic Ron. But what does Milk Thistle do to you? I'm slightly worried by the word 'Cardo' on the label, or is that Italian for embalming fluid or something.
Quite right Mr A...you can overdo the whole Milk Thistle remedy...very dangerous indeed. The clue is in the names given to this plant -Milk and Thistle - one part causes hardening of the arteries and the other is wholly indigestible and prickly. No, Ron, my original recommendation of good healthy plates of nice fresh liver still stands.
As the old Irish song has it, when the young lady cyclist is being warned by the policeman about lack of illumination on her bicycle, (sorry, this goes on a bit) "Says he where's yer loits", "Says she, roit next to me liver where you'll never be" (excuse attempt at Oirish accent).
It's called Silly Bum....tee hee (childish titter)!
You can keep your spooky remedies for me. Last night we ate fillet steak, fresh spinach, organic carrotts and fried potatoes with rosemary (the herb narf narf) washed down with some Dolcetta, had a great nights sleep and today I feel great! just wanted to share that with you.
I had a big plate of bubble & squeak, a bottle of Badger Pickled Partridge and a nice glug of Porto Cruz to go with chestnuts roasted on an open fire.
I had a large gin and tonic. And then I had another.
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