Saturday, 29 March 2008

A Load of Shit

A Load of Shit
Originally uploaded by Ron Combo
The heady, stomach-churning perfume of fresh, steaming manure hangs heavy over Combo Towers this e'en. It reminds me so much of my former life in Public Relations. The main problem is stopping the dog eating it before I and the Combo team of career-focused illegal immigrants manage to dig it into the welcoming soil.


Peter Ashley said...

Thanks Ron, you've just reminded me I've got to get the sink plunger down the bog tomorrow.

Toby Savage said...

It reminds me that I have to make a Power Point presenation to a core group of focused executives tomorrow.

Fred Fibonacci said...

Terrific steam. Should bring on the legendary Combo tomatoes a treat.

Diplomate said...

Blimey ron - i'm very impressd by all this gardening activity, not to mention the fine agricultural equipment put to proper use. carry on.